The Movie League

Friday, July 07, 2006

The Roster and How To Join

For reference, here's a how-to on joining, which includes the current roster:

If you wish to participate in this league on the Hollywood Stock Exchange, here is what you must do.

1) Create an Account at

2) Invest your 2 million dollars.

3) Under the "My League Tab" enter the following ID's:


4) Then e-mail the League Captain, Ryan at and let him know that you are in our league so that other people can add you as well. (this step is very important!). Just to be sure, it wouldn't hurt to post a comment here noting that you have joined.

5) Don't forget the $50 fee if you are planning to participate in the jackpot. Stay tuned for info on how and where to forward the fee.


  • At 7:19 PM, Blogger Mentok said…

    Don't get discouraged. I was exactly the same way at the start. I was losing money hand over fist and was feeling like I'd never catch up.

    Then I attended a Tony Robbins that helped me unlock my hidden potential for phony movie stock market investing...

    Seriously, after awhile you start to get the hang of the thing and then the money starts coming in steadily.

  • At 3:22 PM, Blogger Bathroom Hippo said…

    You guys should review the movie I'll debut on Thursday!

  • At 4:09 PM, Blogger X said…

    Finally got to login for the first time.....


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